
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What will Web 3.0 have in store for us? 4

Then came the ad sense revenue sharing options and with it many websites evolved and some through Google active encouragement which user who have registered ad sense account can generate additional revenue with these revenue sharing website and with this yours content get the second opportunity for earning . These website gives back linking to yours main website if you somewhat write yours website name in their article and thus Google will search yours both the contents of these website and making yours website appear more and more on web pages.Yours web site or blog is now more and more content rich and now you try to make it more interactive and more light and thus the HTML 5 , ajax and dynamic web concepts came . J query can be a java script format which utilizes very few lines of code to make more interactive and dynamic web contents.

Blogger bought by Google and then it is free and become a freelance journalism for us as many as we can think of. Then the You Tube ours web television and lots of rare video can be found from here. The similar pattern of these websites is they only present the user generated content and give it a platform to show case it and thus these become popular . Then the desktop client like Windows Live Writer and other twitter and face book desktop client enables the user to prepare the information before hand then send it to internet a different approach can be called an assimilation offline and on line content. The APIs which give lots of thumbs up to the developers , as now the creating of these offline clients not rest with the internet giants , now it is rested with the user. User created the content and desktop client and assimilate those with their websites with the APIs from various sites of these popularity and then interact.

Take a look at the sky pe buy out , It is simple as Microsoft spends a huge sum of money to buy it then the question is why . Microsoft still hunting for an opportunity to interact with the user directly just like Google , Facebook and twitter and still toady yet to get a decent platform. Sky pe can be for Microsoft as it is used by millions for cheap internet audio and video call. Through this platform with lots of futuristic inventions Microsoft ahs the opportunities to get into directly with the consumer which still today it is searching for.